Title image Andrena (Andrena) mikado on the flower of Pieris japonica

Welcome to Image Database HANABACHI Based on the Japanese Bees !

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Bees are the groups collecting nectar and pollen from flowers for their larvae. They have elongated glossa for sucking nectar from flowers and specialized feather-like hairs for collecting pollen. The honeybee is one of the most well known species of this group. More than 16,000 species are known in the world and 386 species belonging to 6 families are recorded from Japan.

An image database file HANABACHI (= bees in Japanese) is a species information database based on all the Japanese bees and includes images. Each record consists of 18 items, such as family, genus and species (or subspecies) names of the scientific name, Japanese name, distribution data, type locality, type depository, source of the original description, synonymy, remarks, visiting or associated flowers, references, various images and distribution map. The data on Andrenidae and the genera Nomada and Lasioglossum are opened to the public at present and the other data will be open in the near future.

The HANABACHI is managed by a text database management system SIGMA.

The HANABACHI is supported by a Grant-in-Aid for Publication of Scientific Research Results (Head Investigator: Osamu Tadauchi) and a Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B) (Head Investigator: Osamu Tadauchi) from the Ministry of Education, Science, Sports and Culture, Japan and Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, and by a Grant-in-Aid for Co-operative studies in the Graduate University for Advanced Studies (Head Investigator: Tadao Matsumoto).

The data on Colletidae, Halictidae, Andrenidae, Melittidae and the genus Nomada (Apidae) are opened to the public at present and the other data will be opened in near future. The use of data in this database is free of charge if the objective is academic study or educational purposes.

Items of Data

Data and Tags are the Following 19 items.

1. (FTAX) family (scientific name, including subfamily name)
2. (GTAX) genus (scientific name, including subgenus name)
3. (STAX) species (scientific name, including subspecies)
4. (JTAX) Japanese name
5. (DST) distribution (Japan inland; overseas)
6. (TYPE) type (sex)
7. (TYPEL) type locality
8. (TYPED) depository of the type
9. (DESC) source of the original description
10. (SYN) synonymy
11. (MOR) morphological notes
12. (NOTE) remarks
13. (FLY) flying season
14. (PL) visiting or associated flowers
15. (PAR) parasites
16. (REF) references
17. (HOST) host (if available)
18. (IMG) images (total and partial images)
19. (MAP) distribution map

Example of a record

family Andrenidae, Andreninae
genus Andrena (Simandrena)
species yamato Tadauchi et Hirashima,1983
Japanese name Yamato-hime-hanabachi
images male female
General habitus
Head in frontal view
General habitus
Head in frontal view
distribution Japan (HOKKAIDO, HONSHU, Sado Is., SHIKOKU, KYUSHU, Tsushima Is., Tanegashima Is.);Korean Pen.
type (sex) Female
type locality Kuroubaru, Chikuho-machi, Fukuoka Pref., Kyushu, Japan, 7. iv. 1975 (O. Tadauchi).
depository of the type Entomol. Lab., Kyushu University, Fukuoka, Japan.
source of the original description Andrena (Simandrena) yamato Tadauchi et Hirashima, 1983, Esakia, (20): 83-86 (female & male).
synonymy Andrena (Simandrena) opacifovea Hirashima, 1952 (in part).
morphological notes Female length 8-9 mm, male 8 mm. Female: Thorax covered with primarily pale yellowish brown hairs, intermixed with brownish hairs on mesoscutum. Propodeal enclosure large and long, with apical portion distinctly wrinkled. Propodeal corbicula quite well developed, interior free of hairs medially. Tibial scopa short. Hind tibiae short, dilated apically. Metasomal terga nearly impunctate or with minute punctures.
remarks It is a close relative of Andrena opacifovea, but can be separable by the subapical margin of pronotum entire in the middle, the pronotum without a median longitudinal line. It is one of the commonest Andrena in Japan and associates mainly with Brassica. It flies twice a year.
flying season Female: mid March to early August; Male: early March to late May. Most collecting data in Kyushu are late March to late April. But small specimens were collected from late May to mid June in Fukuoka.
visiting or associated flowers Brassica campestris L., 36 plants were recorded.
parasites Strepsiptera: Stylopidae: Stylops yamatonis Kifune et Hirashima
distribution map

Publications, Manuals and Explanations

Copyright Notice

Entomology Database Project Group (Head: Osamu Tadauchi, Editor: O. Tadauchi, K. Mitai, R. Murao, Photos: A. Dawut, K. Mitai, R. Murao, C. Nakamura, System administrator: H. Inoue, Y. Hara, F. Kamitomo) holds the copyright on the entomology database HANABACHI.

Inquiries and Comments

Inquiries and Comments about HANABACHI Should be the Following E-mail Address.

Database HANABACHI (Osamu Tadauchi, Satoshi Kamitani)
Entomological Laboratory,
Faculty of Agriculture,
Kyushu University
Fukuoka, 812-8581
E-mail: tadauchi@kyudai.jp
E-mail: kamitani@agr.kyushu-u.ac.jp
