Image[Cheirotonus jambar] Ceirotonus jambar

Welcome to DJI, Dictionary of Japanese Insect Names!

Japanese page is here

A database DJI, Dictionary of Japanese Insect Names is a dictionary searching names of Japanese insects. A user can use two methods of searching. The first method is to get a list of scientific name(s) of family and the Japanese name(s) or scientific name(s) of genus and species and the Japanese name(s), which includes the letter string inputted. The second is to get a list of scientific name(s) of family, genus and species and the Japanese name(s), which includes the letter string inputted. Therefore a user can search Japanese names from scientific ones as well as scientific names from Japanese ones.

It is based on "A Check List of Japanese Insects" (supervisor: Y. Hirashima, 1989 & 1990) and treats all the insect species or subspecies recorded from Japan.

DJI is partly supported by a Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research(B) (Head Investigator: Osamu Tadauchi) from the Ministry of Education, Science, Sports and Culture, Japan.

The use of data in this database is free of charge if the objective is academic study or educational purposes.

Example of Searching

Method 1

Example of Method 1
Andrena aburana Japanese String
Andrena akitsushimae Japanese String
Andrena albicaudata Japanese String
Andrena amamiensis Japanese String
Andrena anzu Japanese String
...... ...
Example of Method 1
Andrenakerriae Japanese String

Method 2

Example of Method 2
Result of Method 2


Copyright Notice

Entomological Laboratotry, Faculty of Agriculture, Kyushu University holds the copyright on the DJI file (Head constructor: Osamu Tadauchi, System administrator: Hitoshi Inoue).

Inquiries and Comments

Inquiries and Comments about DJI Should be the Following E-mail Address.

Database DJI (Osamu Tadauchi, Satoshi Kamitani)
Entomological Laboratory,
Faculty of Agriculture,
Kyushu University
Fukuoka, 812-8581
