How to Use Entomology Database KONCHU

Simple Search

Advanced Search

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Simple Search

In the simple search mode, you can search the database by defining a simple logical formula composed of keywords (and their items by request) and AND/OR/BUT NOT operators.

Figure 1 shows an initial screen of the simple search.

Figure 1. An initial screnn of the simple search

Fig. 1. An initial screen of the simple search.

How to search

1. Keyword
Type a keyword in the input box.
2. Item
Select an item of the keyword from a pull down menu. To search the keyword from all items, select anywhere (default).
3. Logical operator
Select a logical operator (AND or OR or BUT NOT) from the pull down menu if you enter more than one keyword.
A part of the simple search initial screen(1)
4. File
Select files for search by clicking check boxes of file names. If you click the check box again, it changes unselected.
A part of the simple search initial screen(2)
5. Start to search
Click the Search button to start the search.
6. Reset your inputs
Click the Clear button to reset all your inputs.
A part of the simple search initial screen(3)


Figure 2 shows a screen defining 2 keywords, Andrena in the item "scientific name" and Japan in the item "distribution" and selecting 2 files, ESKAIA and SHIKOKU. In the screen, the item for the 2nd keyword is just selecting from the pull down menu.

Figure 2. A screen for defining keywords

Fig. 2. A screen for defining keywords

When the search succeed, the result is shown as in Fig. 3.

Figure 3. A screen of result of search

Fig. 3. A screen of result of search.

How to display the retrieved records

Click the Q1 button to display the retrieved records. You can also see the retrieved records for the i-th keyword by clicking the Zi button.

Figure 4 shows a screen displaying retrieved records.

Figure 4. A screen displaying retrieved records

Fig. 4. A screen displaying retrieved records

Advanced Search

In the advanced search mode, you can search the database by specifying more complicated logical formulas composed of keywords (their items for request), logical operators, comparison operators and arithmetic operators. The search is performed simultaneously.

Figure 5 shows an initial screen of the advanced search. In this mode, there are three fields for inputting keywords and their items, for selecting files, and for specifying logical formulas composed by keywords and operators.

Figure 5. An initial screen of the advanced search

Fig. 5. An initial screen of the advanced search.

How to search

1. Keyword
Type a keyword in the input box.
2. Item
Select an item of the keyword from a pull down menu. To search the keyword from all items, select anywhere (default).
A part of the advanced search initial screen(1)
3. Logical formula
Make logical formula out of keywords and their items which are defined at the stage 1 and 2 (detail is here).
A part of the advanced search initial screen(2)
4. File
Select files for search by clicking check boxes of file names. If you click the check box again, it changes unselected.
A part of the advanced search initial screen(3)
5. Start to search
Click the Search button to start the search.
6. Reset your inputs
Click the Clear button to reset all your inputs.
A part of the advanced search initial screen(4)


In Fig. 6., 3 keywords, Andrena in the item "scientific name", Japan in the item "distribution" and Korea in the item "distribution" are defined as Z1, Z2 and Z3 respectively. Z1.Z2 (Z1 and Z2), Z1.Z2.Z3 (Z1 and Z2 and Z3), Z1.(Z2,Z3) (Z1 and (Z2 or Z3)), Z1.Z2.^Z3 (Z1 and Z2 and (not Z3), that is Z1 and Z2 but not Z3) are also defined as logical formulas. You can retrieve multiple logical formulas simultaneously like this.

Here 2 files, ESAKIA and SHIKOKU are selected for the search.

Figure 6. A screen for defining keywords

Fig. 6. A screen for definig keywords

When the search succeed, the result is shown as in Fig. 7.

Figure 7. A screen of result of search

Fig. 7. A screen of result of search

How to display the retrieved records

Click the Qi button to display the retrieved records for the question Qi. You can also see the retrieved records for the i-th keyword by clicking the Zi button.

Figure 8 shows a screen displaying retrieved records.

Figure 8. A screen displaying retrieved records

Fig. 8. A screen displaying retrieved records

Logical formula

A logical formula is composed of keywords (and their items for request), logical formulas, integers, logical operators (","(OR), "."(AND), "^"(NOT)), comparison operators ("<", ">", "<=", ">=", "<>"), arithmetic operators ("+", "-", "*", "/") and parentheses("(", ")").

The logical operators are interpreted as follows.
A,B1 (if A > 0 or B > 0) 0 (otherwise)
A.B1 (if A > 0 and B > 0) 0 (otherwise)
^A1 (if A is not positive) 0 (otherwise)
Here the truth values true and false are represented by 1 and 0 respectively.

The precedence and meaning of operators are as follows. The highest precedence is 1.
Operator Precedence Meaning
* 1 multiplication
/ 1 division
+ 2 addition
- 2 subtraction
= 3 equal to
<= 3 less than or equal to
>= 3 greater than or equal to
< 3 less than
> 3 greater than
<> 3 not equal to
^ 4 not
. 5 and
, 6 or

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